My Freedom Program

Contact Info


Additional Info

Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, Shelby

The My Freedom Program provides Seniors 60 years or older and those of any age with any disability access to transportation (must provide a medical verification form signed by a physician or an active IndyGo Access Card) services across county lines.

My Freedom fares can be used for:

  • Crossing a county line or traveling within the same county in one of the seven surrounding counties adjacent to Marion County, or in Madison County.
  • The program cannot be used for trips entirely within Marion County; for such trips, please contact IndyGo Access at 317-635-3344.

CIRTA is proud to work with CICOA to relaunch the My Freedom Program with even greater accessibility and reach. To learn more, visit the My Freedom Website.

Enrolling is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Step 1. Request your doctor to complete a medical verification form. If you’re 60 years or older, or you already have an IndyGo Access Card, skip to Step 2!

Step 2. Submit an application!

Step 3. Await your Welcome Packet and Farecard to begin riding!

How to get a ride

To use the My Freedom Program, refer to the application procedure for information about how to complete an eligibility application and submit a medical verification form.

For more information visit My Freedom Program Online.