Jennifer and Amanda Represent CIRTA at National Conference, Bringing Home Awards

Recently, our Executive Director, Jennifer, and Assistant Director and Mobility Manager, Amanda, attended the 38th Annual International Conference of the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) in Denver, Colorado. ACT is the leading organization for commuter transportation and transportation demand management (TDM) professionals, and its Annual International Conference is the largest event of its kind, drawing TDM experts from across the United States, Canada, and beyond.

The conference brought together professionals from Fortune 500 companies, state, and local DOTs, MPOs, transit agencies, transportation management associations, service providers, consultants, and other key stakeholders committed to improving commuter options and enhancing community sustainability. Over four days, Jennifer and Amanda engaged in professional development, networking, and even had some fun, including a tour of Golden, Colorado, where they explored local transportation systems, including Golden’s free shuttle service called the Ore Cart.

Jennifer and Amanda returned to Central Indiana with more than just valuable insights—they also brought home two prestigious awards for CIRTA! The ACT Midwest Chapter recognized CIRTA as the “Organizational Member of the Year,” honoring our agency’s 12+ years of membership, active participation, and steadfast support of ACT. Additionally, Amanda was named the Chapter’s “Rising Star,” a well-deserved recognition of her contributions as the current Marketing Chair for the Midwest Chapter, her participation in ACT’s ImpACT Leadership Program, and her presentation during TDM Week 2023, where she highlighted CIRTA’s efforts to promote TDM initiatives.